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Organic Waste and Circularity in My Community

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The Game

07 Apr 2020
15 Jul 2020

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Organic waste, stemming from the continuous production of vast amounts of material, stands as a primary catalyst for environmental concerns, including the expansion of landfills, escalating pollution levels, and the intensification of climate change. The urgency of this problem has driven us to embark on a mission aimed at mitigating these adverse effects.

Our conviction lies in the power of individual action and awareness; by altering daily habits and practices at home, in educational settings, and throughout our routines, we can collectively confront and combat the challenges posed by organic waste. Education emerges as the cornerstone of our strategy, providing the tools and knowledge necessary for each person to contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious society.

This project is not just an endeavor to address the symptoms of a larger issue but a call to action for every citizen to partake in the transformative journey towards a healthier planet.

A Comparative Analysis

In 2020, the European Union faced a significant challenge in waste management, with the total waste from all economic sectors and households reaching an astounding 2,135 million tonnes, translating to 4,815 kilograms per person.

A notable portion of this, approximately 9.4% or 196 million tonnes, originated from household activities, highlighting the substantial contribution of daily living to the waste problem. Despite municipal waste comprising only about 10% of the overall waste generated, its impact is not to be underestimated.

The amount of municipal waste, which reflects waste collected by or for municipalities, showcases notable variation across the EU, largely influenced by differing consumption habits and levels of economic prosperity. By 2021, the average municipal waste production per capita in the EU was recorded at 530 kilograms, according to EUROSTAT.

This data underscores the pressing need for effective waste management strategies and policies tailored to address the nuances of waste production and disposal within the EU, aiming for sustainability and reduction in the ecological footprint of its member states.

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